Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Getting A Second Dog Heres How To Introduce A Puppy To An Older Dog

Thinking of getting a second dog? One of the first questions to ask yourself is why. Is your current dog lonely, seemingly bored or getting old? Or is the decision based solely on your own wants?

Getting a second dog can be a good thing, provided your first dog will accept the newcomer. Introducing a puppy to a dog is easier to do because the normal battle for dominance is minimal. Puppies just 'are'. Adult dogs, on the other hand, can see them as intruders that must be shown their place in the pack.

Senior dogs can become more active around a puppy, which will benefit them both physically and mentally. Just be aware that your dog doesn't become overwhelmed by the puppy's energy.

Dogs that feel insecure or are already dog aggressive might not be agreeable to sharing their home.

The first thing you must do is decide what is your current dog's attitude towards other animals. Do conflicts occur? Is your dog aggressive to other dogs? Or does your dog greet other dogs happily? This will give you some idea what might occur when you try to introduce a puppy to your dog.

Here are some points to consider:

1. Is your dog bored and is this normal behavior for your dog? If your dog was active after he became adult but has since become less so, it's possible your dog needs a playmate. It could also mean that your dog is quite content to live quietly in his old age.

2. Has your dog had the opportunity to socialize with other dogs? How did he respond? If your dog was never socialized, you might have some work ahead of you. If he has already been introduced to other dogs, things might go smoothly.

When getting a second dog, consider its personality and that of your current dog. The closer matched they are, the more likely they will get along unless both are aggressive. This might be difficult with puppies, but look at their activity levels.

Does the puppy show aggression to other pups in his litter? This could be a sign of an aggressive dog. Playfulness that includes nipping is not the same as aggression.

Make the introduction of a puppy to a dog pleasant and positive.

If you notice or expect your older dog to become aggressive, start by putting them in separate areas. Just having the other dog present will allow your dog to become accustomed to his presence.

Introduce them in a neutral area, in the park or in your neighbor's yard. Keep both dogs on leashes so you can control them if things go wrong. If you have more than one dog at home, introduce the puppy to the dog that is most calm and accepting first. When the other dogs see that the puppy is accepted by other pack members, they will be more likely to follow suit.

Use caution during the early days. Puppies can suffer severely if your adult dog decides to attack.

Despite the urge to fuss over the puppy, pay more attention to your current dog so that he does not feel left out or threatened. The puppy won't know the difference. Once the puppy has been introduced successfully, gradually show more affection for the newcomer.

If done correctly, getting a second dog can be a fun and entertaining event for you, your family and your pets.
For more great dog training tips and resources to help you train your dog, or puppy, visit How To Train A Dog Review Site at http://DogsTrainingMadeEasy.com